Monday, July 11, 2011

My favourite things...

I have my fingers firmly crossed, I just got back from lunch with a rather lovely Italian who wants to pay me obscene amounts of money to meet up with me only 5 or 6 times a month. Think of a number you would think was reasonable for seeing someone that often, then double it, triple it, and add a bit, you might be just about there! If he comes through, then I have officially struck gold. He's a foodie, he lives in New York (and will fly me over to see him whenever we agree to see each other) Honestly, if he's good in bed, I am a winner on all counts!!
We had New Orleans cuisine for lunch, chicken and sausage gumbo followed by red fish with a creamy chilli sauce, and little potatoes, YUM!!!! The restaurant was Acadiana, which doesn't sound particularly southern to me, but whatever, the food was really good! My first taste of good southern fare, and I think I may be moving to the Big Easy just for the food! 

I'm wondering if there's a catch though, I mean, he seems too good be true, and as my parents always told me, if something seems to good to be true, it probably is! I think I may worry until I find out what it is. But in the mean time, I intend to enjoy myself as much as possible at his expense! Am I terrible?

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