This is something that happened at Rope Camp, but I could not for the life of me tell you when, except that it was dark outside.
A science experiment, with aims, and methodology and real science theory provided by our Cabin Sage!
Hypothesis: Rope can transmit vibrations, and amplify them.
6x Hitachi magic wands, no attachments, two settings (stun & kill)
Quantities of rope, both hemp and jute, not to be used together.
A control subject whose name I don't know
Method: A crotch harness will be tied accurately and tightly to the subject, ropes of approx 2 metres in length will then be attached to the crotch harness using a lark's head knot. Hitachi magic wands (added one at a time) will be held onto the taut rope near the end of the 2 metre length.
Affect will be measured by the subjects' opinions.
Things to test:
Is there a difference in effect dependent on the kind of rope? Hemp and Jute to be tested.
How does the distance between the crotch harness and the end of the rope affect the vibrations received by the subject?
How it went down:
Control subject:
Giggled lots, I didn't catch much else. (sorry, I'm not a scientist, I confess!)
Hemp used first, limited affect, vibrations vastly reduced by the rope and distance between wand and clitoris.
Jute next, affect diluted even more, subject exhibits frustration and starts wriggling. Science is then abandoned and six Hitachi magic wands are held onto subject's clit, subject is subjected to mass teasing and forbidden to orgasm until permitted by cabin consensus. Methods of torture include countdowns, voting on whether permission to orgasm is deserved by the subject.
Science abandoned again, subject screams that she is "Cabin Bitch for life" and is then allowed to cum. Reports come from three cabins away of hearing that exclamation.
Cave Johnson, signing off, for science.
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