Woohoo! No parents for a whole two weeks!! Only the dog and an 18 year old to deal with now!
Hands up who went to slut walk DC 2011? I was there, walking through DC in my underwear (This is me we're talking about, what did you expect me to wear?) I didn't have any paper, but someone had some permanent markers, so I got made into a poster! I had PROUD written on one arm, SLUT on the other, 'yes and only yes means yes' on my leg, 'consent is sexy' on my back, 'deal with it' on my chest, and something else somewhere I couldn't see. I think I made a great poster personally, and there were plenty of photos taken of me!
We met in Lafayette Square, and then walked along, with lots of chants to the Washington Monument ("The Nation's biggest phallus!") where we congregated to hear some speakers talk on the subject of rape mostly. The speakers were a little depressing, all about how they'd been raped, and survived, some cried, some didn't, one thanked the Toronto police officer who had asked her, three times, what she had been wearing when she was raped, the answer - jeans and a long sleeved purple shirt. This police officer was of the firm belief that women could prevent themselves from being raped by wearing more clothes. That is how slutwalks began all over the globe.
I was kinda wishing that a man would stand up as every speaker had been a woman, and I was really proud of the one who finally did, he had been raped, just over a year ago now, and he stood up, and told his story, and I wanted to go up and give him a great big hug, and say I'm sorry, because someone should apologise for what happened to the poor guy.
We left a little after his story, and went to Fuddruckers because by this time we were all starving to death, and as we walked in nearly naked and covered in slogans, we got some interesting looks. One of the staff asked me why I had Proud Slut written on my arms, and was very cool when I told him, and we got a free milkshake at the table, which was cool.
On the way back to someone's house, there was a guy on the metro with two kids, who asked us where we'd been, and seemed very supportive of our goals, which was cool. I hope that more parents are like that in the world.
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